Summer Episodes

May 16, 2024

Plain Talk: It's Not Just Keeping Bees (179)

In this thoughtful episode, Jim dives into the often-overlooked aspects of beekeeping that extend beyond the bees themselves. He reflects on the countless hours spent on tasks that, while essential, don't directly involve handling bees—like managing...

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Jan. 25, 2024

In Class with Jim: "Supering" (163)

In this episode we delve into the concept of "supering," a term unique to beekeeping that has emerged over the past century. To those outside the beekeeping community, the term might sound like something out of a superhero comic, but for beekeepers,...

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July 20, 2023

Dealing With Summer Robbing (136)

It’s the time of year when summer is nearly over, but the fall flow hasn’t started. Colonies are big, there’s lot of foragers, and not much to forage on, yet. A colony that is ripe for being robbed is usually small, weak, and not able to defend...

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July 6, 2023

Managing Mid-Summer Splits (133)

In this episode, Kim and Jim discuss the pros and cons of mid-summer splits. Are they good or are they bad? It can go both ways. Mid-summer splits are used to divide a colony for swarm prevention, colony expansion, or the equalization of colony...

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June 29, 2023

Dealing With Seasonal Bee Management Fluctuations (132)

How does a beekeeper deal with the seasonal population shifts, weather and resulting needs of the honey bees in their care. How does a beekeeper balance the needs of the colony with the needs of the beekeeper? The middle of that Venn Diagram is a very...

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